Aperto su prenotazione

Who we are

Mission and History

The Pinball and Modern Antiques Museum is an initiative created by the non-profit amateur sports association Ifpa Italia, which purpose, in its statute, is the promotion of amateur sports with particular attention to the sports of pinball machine and others ( table football, darts, etc.); promotion of educational activities; to promote the practice of any cultural, tourist, environmental and leisure time activity that has some connection with games and entertainment; to organize conferences, conventions, fairs etc; to carry out tourist recreational activities, also under the patronage of public or private bodies.
Established in 2012, it is affiliated with Coni and has been a member of the Uisp since 2014.

Our team

The Museum project was proposed and implemented in partnership with Pro Loco Marmore, Circolo Jonas/Arci Terni, thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Carit di Terni and the Municipality of Terni.

With the contribution of

In collaboration with

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Museo del flipper e del modernariato “Dino Merluzzi”
ASD IFPA ITALIA – PI 01523220554 –  Corso Publio Cornelio Tacito  05100 Terni TR

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